Friday, September 29, 2017

Soccer Kids?

I signed Nolan up for soccer since he hasn't done an activity like that before.  Once Keaton found out he insisted I sign him up for soccer.  I REALLY didn't want to because I didn't think he would like it and I'd have to force him to go.  He's not big on contact sports.  I was totally wrong!

Keaton is obsessed with soccer.  I guess he plays it every day at recess with his friend Cash and they're team is called "the buggies". His really soccer team is called the "Skeeters" and he has a couple friends from school on the team.  He loves to go to soccer practice and soccer games.  I'm thrilled that he's having so much fun with this sport right now!

Nolan is also doing fantastic.  Nolan's soccer is pretty low key but these kids are doing so well after two practices that I actually have high hopes he will know how to play soccer when he's done.  The coach is fantastic and has the kids dribbling the ball, stopping the ball, and then dribbling the ball in the opposite direction.  Nolan has got to be the goalie twice which makes him very happy.  Last week the coach played "keep away" with the kids.  They were suppose to keep the coach from getting their ball.  Nolan was the only kid who thought the coach was trying to get him, not his ball.  He totally abandoned his ball and was running around saying "you can't catch me" while all the other kids were dribbling. 

Nolan's first day of preschool (again)

It's weird to say it was Nolan's first day of preschool since he had a first day last year and will have a first day again next year.  I guess it was his first day of preschool in the 4's class.  He is at the same school, Woodinville Country Day School.  He goes to school three days a week like last year.  I found out after school started that there are 20 kids in his class.  He does have 2 teachers but that sounds like way too many kids so we may be searching for a new preschool for next year.

He has been at school for about 2 weeks now and has told me the name of a kid in his class that is his friend!!!!! Ethan!!!!!  Last year Nolan didn't tell me about any kids until the school year was almost over.  This is big progress and I hope he makes some of his own friends this year.

They filled out an "all about me" worksheet and it's always so interesting to see what they write.  I learned a few things like Nolan needs to play less fighting games at home.  And he probably shouldn't tell the teachers that he doesn't like to go to school.  It was interesting that he said his favorite thing about himself is that he can play video games.  Nolan really isn't into video games and barely ever plays them. 

Friday, September 8, 2017

First Grade

Keaton started first grade on Wednesday, September 6th.  He has two teachers who work part time.  Ms. Phan/Mrs. Young.  Most the kids from his kindergarten class have the other teacher.  But he does sit right next to his buddy, Cash, in class.  I'm not sure how long they will sit next to each other before the teacher's separate them.

Keaton seems to adjust to school very well.  This year he wouldn't let me take him to school and didn't want me to get out of the car at the bus stop.  I'm glad he was able to find his classroom because I wasn't sure he could.  I hope this year goes great for him!  I hope he continues to like school and learning.

The day before school we went to a trampoline place where he loves to play dodge ball.  Even Nolan is brave enough to play with the bigger kids (he's always the littlest kid playing).

 Then we went out for ice cream.

I don't remember how this all started but I tied up Keaton's arms, taping a water bottle to him so he had something to drink.  I put on his backpack and took him to his bus stop where I was going to leave him until school started the next day.  Once we got to the bus stop he didn't think it was very funny anymore. Of course I never would leave him but I do joke all the time that I'm going to pack snacks and drop him off at school/bus stop where he he'll have to wait till school starts.

Nolan has been kind of silly since Keaton started school.  He wanted to have an Easter egg hunt using a Halloween basket.  We had another one for Keaton later that evening.

He's been dressing up a turtle costume, avengers mask, Minecraft hat, shields, swords. Luckily TJ got home early that day because right when we were leaving the house to get Keaton Nolan peed in the costume.  So I was able to leave him with Dad to clean up.


We had such a busy summer and the kids didn't drive me nearly as crazy as I thought they would.  In just the past few weeks we have gone to the fair, car races, jetty island, Seattle Center, and Wild Waves.

Some of the highlights:
Saw the eclipse, Remlinger Farms, Wild Waves, 4th of July parade, Bike camp/learned to ride bike, camping at Levenworth and Birch Bay, daily swim lessons for a month at Cottage Lake pool, Jetty Island, outdoor movies, exploring new parks, pool parties, Ninjago camp, preschool camp, etc....

When they weren't doing those things they were wrestling.  They were always wrestling.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

What Summer's all about

A few weeks ago we went to a movie at one of the local wineries in Woodinville.  They show kids movies about once a month.  It's very informal.  Show up, bring dinner, bring a blanket to lay on the floor and they show the movie on a wall.  The place has a big back yard where the kids can run around.  I keep thinking about this evening.  Kids outside playing on a summer evening.  Trying to move logs to make a bridge over a stream.  Working together.  Coming out later to see that someone changed what they did.  Trying to fix it, thinking their way was the right way.  Getting wet.  Playing with other kids. Being outside.  Having no responsibilities.  Just being a kid.  Something about this evening and this simple activity really stuck with me.  It wasn't a fancy video game or something that cost money.  Just water, logs, kids and summer.

Tent Camping

We needed to be out of our house for a few days while our floors were getting re-finished so Becky came into town and we all camped.  It was our first time tent camping with the kids. We went to Birch Bay with Aunt Becky and Crystal/Emerald, Grandpa and friend Angie and her little boy. The trip went really well except that TJ was in agony the entire time from his broken rib...and Nolan cried every night because he wanted to go home cause it was too dark.  It was great to have so many people with us!  I was so proud of the kids getting along so well and listening so good. 

They got really good on the bikes but also came home with quite a few bumps and scrapes.

Becky bought a couple camping hammock's which were a huge hit with the kids. 

Nolan always says "sometimes you just have to push it in." I think he's got golf all figured out.

Great memories that I'm so thankful the kids get to have.