Sunday, March 19, 2017

Non-Stop Laughter

The running and laughing didn't stop....except to play on electronic devices.

The cousins were here for over a week and Keaton only missed one and a half days of school!  I wanted him to be able to see them a lot but also knew that it was important he didn't miss a lot of school.  Especially since he will probably be "sick" in another month when his Nana and Grampy come to visit.
Like always, we had a great time!  Had sleepovers, played at grandpa's, ate lots of treats, learned bad habits, drove all the adults crazy!

Exploring the wilderness at grandpa's.

Sleepovers! Maybe next year Nolan.
 Having fun!
 Had too much fun!

Had fun with Becky!  

Counting down the days till the next visit!  Until then, I guess my kids can text message your kids :)

Saturday, March 11, 2017

"I Love You" Book

We found out that when someone in Keaton's class celebrates a birthday all the students make a birthday book for the birthday student.  It was so cool to see Keaton's and also see how many kids wrote "I love you" on their page :).

The kids can bring a gift for the class on their birthday.  Kind of a good idea - instead of them getting something they give something.  Keaton brought a really fun game so hopefully the kids have fun with it.