Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Nolan is a Biter

Nolan is a biter.  Nolan loves to wrestle.  Nolan is mischievous.  Nolan is tough.  Nolan is a big guy with a rambunctious personality. 

I think this picture perfectly captures Nolan at 18 months.  Hopefully I am not posting the same picture in 18 years...

Monday, July 27, 2015

Wiggling Works

There is this great place in Bellevue called "Wiggle Works."  And all that wiggling does work...guaranteed to get a good nap out of your kids.

We went there last week with my good friend, Lynn, and her son Camden.  The kids had a fantastic time!  This was finally a place we visited that was more age appropriate for Nolan, usually its more for Keaton.  Hopefully we will be moving to the Eastside soon so we can come here more.

He loved falling at the end of the slide and did it over and over.

Balloon room...Nolan went crazy since he is obsessed with balloons (Keaton liked it too).

This crazy one point Nolan was hanging off one just like Camden. Nolan was hanging on for dear life and I think thought his life was about to end...

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Hot Hot Hot

So far this has been a VERY hot Summer in Seattle. It's the beginning of July and has been in the 80's for weeks, maybe even longer.  We've already hit 90 a few times, which sometimes never happens during a Seattle Summer.
We've been taking advantage of the great weather and getting out in the Sun.  It is especially enjoyable for us since we have A/C in our house so we've got a place to cool off at the end of the day.

Alki Beach

Juanita Beach

Furry 5k Run
 Lemonade (Apple Juice) Stand


Water balloon fight on trampoline