Monday, July 13, 2009

The Purple Glove

For the past week or so my dog has been obsessed with my purple exfoliating shower gloves. He is constantly in the bathroom crying because he wants the gloves. He has always had a major love of gloves, probably because TJ learned early on that wearing gloves was the safest way to play with Manny to avoid getting bitten during play. We have chewed up gloves all over our house. And if you come over in the Winter wearing gloves, watch out!

So in honor of Michael Jackson, who also had a love of the glove, I thought I would share my dog's most recent glove obsession.....

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Dog Party!

Dog parties are messy! The food goes down, the dogs inhale in seconds then comes the sugar high, restless/feisty dogs......and then the party's over!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Day One Mrs. Tarr

The wedding was perfect but I must say there is something really great about having your 'normal' life back! We spent our wedding evening at home, even had an overnight guest. Maybe a bit untraditional, but it was exacally what we needed. We spent day two being totally normal. TJ and his friend Matt did yard work, I took the dog to the dog park and we enjoyed a wonderful dinner on the water with my new in-laws. "Normal" feels so great!!!

Before the wedding planning wears off, I am willing and ready to help out on the next one, Brian and Ryan! And I happen to know the best wedding planner ever! She may want to consider leaving her HR career at E.B. to make big bucks in the wedding business.....she is priceless!

Wedding Fun

I'm so thrilled to be able to say that our wedding was absolutely perfect! The day before not so perfect. My darling dog decided to get my wedding shoes off the table, out of the box and into his mouth! I did not even know how to react, kind of laughed, and then immediately got in the car and headed downtown to try to quickly fix the problem. The fix was some lovely VERY used shoes from a little wedding shop downtown. I got to wear a pair of shoes that the store had around for bride-to-be's to use when trying on dresses. Unfortunately the dirty toe marks are not mine!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Manny Turns 1!

Manny's first birthday was celebrated today with a couple of stale doggy cupcakes. When I bought them a few days ago from the dog store I didn't think about putting them in an air tight container to keep fresh so poor Manny was stuck with rock hard cupcakes. However, I will say that when I microwaved them to soften them up, the frosting was quite tasty. I was told by the dog store lady that many people buy one treat for their dog, one for them. I can now see why! :)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

First Birthday's

My parents still talk about my first birthday. And we were not a big birthday family. But because of this I have always felt that a first birthday is something to be celebrated in a special way. I realize that no one year old will ever remember the actual day but they will remember the stories over the years, which probably get better with time anyway.

My dog's first birthday is May 13th. Since I totally messed up Taz's birthday (I was a single mom, ok...) and always say he's about 4...or 6...or 8....I decided to do it right with Manny and have a party so I would always remember his first birthday and hopefully be better about tracking his age through the years. This may sound crazy...birthday party for the dog...but he is part of our family and since my very favorite fun run in Seattle for dogs is June 7th, I thought that would be the perfect day for a birthday party. Colleen and I did the Furry 5k years ago, before either of us knew the neighborhood and spend hours after looking for our car. This time will be much better! Walk a few miles, find the car, go eat cake with the crazy dog lady! :)

I hope Manny enjoy's his birthday party...if there are other dogs there I guarantee he will.....

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Candid Pics by Google

So I was searching for homes on redfin for fun and went to the street view of our neighbor's house, then zoomed up to our house and found TJ and Manny out for a walk. Not knowing the site was connected to Google Street Views, I then went there and typed in my address and found them again in the picture of our house! Pretty cool...but also a warning to all since you never know if/when Google will capture you unexpectedly at your house!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

No Easter Egg Hunt for Manny

I was reading the "Pet Gazette" that I picked up from Manny's Daycare and they had an ad for a dog Easter Egg Hunt in Snohomish this weekend. I thought, what a great idea, there must be one in Seattle this weekend that I can take Manny to. Unfortunately all I was able to find was one already past at Marymoore on March 22nd. Who has an Easter Egg Hunt a month prior? I guess Colleen's blog entry awhile ago on McKenzie practicing to find eggs should have triggered me to start looking and we would have made it to this one!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Boston "Terror"

We took Manny to a Boston Terrier meet up this morning in West Seattle. It is the second one we have gone to and they are so fun! There was probably 30 other Boston's there. He just goes crazy at these things. Manny is the 'blurry' one in the pictures! Check out their website to see if they have a meet-up event for your pup.

If the pictures weren't enough, a very low resolution video to capture the moment.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

"The Love Boat" Gay Bingo

Back in college a group of us took a very fond liking to the game of bingo. It was quite an odd interest for some college kids to pick up. The typical bingo hall player is an older, usually chain-smoking, female. But we fell in love with the game and the hopes of winning big! And while we rarely ever won our gambling dollars kept us entertained for a few hours. We were pretty serious, some much more so than others with the 'good luck' charms proudly displayed!

Last night we discovered what we thought would be a re-kindling of this love for bingo. The extremely popular, 750 attendee 'themed Gay Bingo' event in south Lake Union. We could not believe we didn't know about this and expected it to be the best night ever! While it was very entertaining, with lots of costumes, vendors and themed drinks, it was not the serious game of bingo we were accustomed to. They made it very clear in the beginning of the evening by saying 'its just a game of bingo'. Well to us a game of bingo means a potential to win money, which we all take quite serious, especially in this economy. We were very alert, quiet and ready to play the only game of bingo we knew, a very strict and serious one. Meanwhile the room was roaring in chaos. As we struggled to hear the numbers called, our 'Gay Bingo' hopes and dreams were destroyed. I'm not trying to sound overly dramatic, it was just such a disappointment. But the good that came out of the evening, besides a couple unnecessary souvenirs :), was that it inspired us to get back in the game and start frequenting the classy bingo joints around town.

If you are more of a social bingo player or just looking for something different to do, check it out. Your money goes to a good cause!

Monday, February 16, 2009

How I spent my day off...

I'm not even sure where to start. Ok, here we go!

It is President's Day and I am the only person I know who has the day off. So I spent the morning with my parent's. They came to my house and we went to Kubota Gardens, just south of Seattle. I highly recommend it! Of course before we could go my dad spent about half an hour shoveling the bark and gravel off the sidewalk, telling me that someone is going to walk by our house, slip on all the moss on the sidewalk or the bark/gravel and sue us. So I was inspired to go buy moss killer, along with fertalizer since our once green lawn is very brown.

Now I'm off to the dog park (or code work D.P.) as we have to call it since our dog has learned what the word means and runs to the door when it is said, gets super excited and won't move from the door until we take him there. So we're off to the D.P.!