Monday, November 16, 2015

Boys & Baptism's

This past Saturday, Nov. 11th, we had Nolan baptized at Holy Rosary Church in West Seattle.  There was another 2 year old girl also getting baptized.  While she sat quietly next to her parents, Nolan was drawing on himself, handing the lady behind us markers, stuffing bear crackers into his mouth. However, both boys were really good...for being boys!

Nolan and Keaton were quite curious about the whole thing...

Aunt Claudia was Nolan's God Parent and was the perfect person for the job.  She has been such a huge part of his life and a VERY important person in our family's life.
Happy Family! Time for Cake!

Congratulations Nolan!



Thursday, November 12, 2015

Happy Halloween, Thank you.

Keaton almost sounded like a robot, "Happy Halloween, Thank you." He usually didn't even wait for them to put the candy in his bucket.  I really emphasized how important it was to say thank you and he would tell me in a sad voice when he forgot to say it.

Keaton has really been into Ninjas so a Teenage Mutant  Ninja Turtle was the perfect costume.  And Nolan loves to say "Moo" so his was fitting also.  Keaton is getting lots of use out of his costume and has been wearing it to the gym.  There is a guy there who always has a Spider Man or Captain America costume on so I think that's why he does it.

It was a horribly rainy day on Halloween.  None of us wanted to leave the house but knew we had to.  We went down to the shopping area by our house and quickly did some trick-or-treating before getting too wet.


Monday, October 26, 2015

Pumpkin Picking

Nolan got to go to the pumpkin patch for the first time - yahoo! He didn't make it last year since he was sick. But he was healthy and strong and knew just what to do.

Keaton's school went on a field trip to Remlinger Farms out in Carnation where they road a train, went through a hay maze and saw a puppet show.

Nolan thinks he's a big kid and totally fits in with the 4 year old's.  I think the second child grows up a lot quicker.

He dove right into the pumpkin patch, climbing over the pumpkins to find the perfect one.  He insisted on dragging it around in the bag and didn't want me to carry it.   It is so fun to see him experience new things, especially with his brother.

This guy is strong, he could have carried at least 2 or 3 pumpkins by himself.

 Keaton definitely got the biggest pumpkin and was really proud of that.

Growing like a Pumpkin

I've been measuring Keaton at the pumpkin patch since his first trip when he wasn't even one.  Looks like he went from about 1.5 feet to 3.5 feet. Not sure how accurate the measurements are but he's now old enough to pick out his own pumpkin so he must be growing.

2011 - 9 months old

2012 - 1 year old

2013 - 2 years old

2014 - 3 years old no pumpkin patch (Nolan was sick)

2015 - 4 year old

Cute or Creepy?

Both Keaton and Nolan love to kiss me (not TJ though).  I always joke with them about slobber and Keaton always makes sure that he doesn't have any before kissing :)

Now they are kissing each other.  I'm starting to wonder if there is too much kissing going on at our house.  At least when they are older they will have lots of practice, which is creepy that their practice is coming from mom.  I do think the innocent kissing is pretty cute though!

Nolan's not too sure about kissing his brother...

Keaton goes for it...

Nolan liked it!!

Monday, September 7, 2015

Tortoise and the Hare

One of the funnest days this Summer was when we went to my friend's mother-in-law's house.  We spend a lot of time with Lynn and her son, Camden.  I have been friends with Lynn since high school so our friendship goes way back.

A few weeks ago we spent the afternoon with them, the kids riding around in their John Deere truck.  We brought our little battery operated car and it was a joke compared to their truck.  Keaton and Nolan loved it!

The best laugh I've had in a long time was when I looked over and Lynn was cruising in the yard on a granny scooter.  I didn't know she was doing it (or that they had one) which is what made it so funny.  The thing was actually really fun!  When you wanted it to go fast you turned the dial towards the picture of the rabbit.  When you wanted it to slow down you turned it towards the turtle "Tortoise and the Hare".  I raced the kids a few times.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Nolan is a Biter

Nolan is a biter.  Nolan loves to wrestle.  Nolan is mischievous.  Nolan is tough.  Nolan is a big guy with a rambunctious personality. 

I think this picture perfectly captures Nolan at 18 months.  Hopefully I am not posting the same picture in 18 years...

Monday, July 27, 2015

Wiggling Works

There is this great place in Bellevue called "Wiggle Works."  And all that wiggling does work...guaranteed to get a good nap out of your kids.

We went there last week with my good friend, Lynn, and her son Camden.  The kids had a fantastic time!  This was finally a place we visited that was more age appropriate for Nolan, usually its more for Keaton.  Hopefully we will be moving to the Eastside soon so we can come here more.

He loved falling at the end of the slide and did it over and over.

Balloon room...Nolan went crazy since he is obsessed with balloons (Keaton liked it too).

This crazy one point Nolan was hanging off one just like Camden. Nolan was hanging on for dear life and I think thought his life was about to end...

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Hot Hot Hot

So far this has been a VERY hot Summer in Seattle. It's the beginning of July and has been in the 80's for weeks, maybe even longer.  We've already hit 90 a few times, which sometimes never happens during a Seattle Summer.
We've been taking advantage of the great weather and getting out in the Sun.  It is especially enjoyable for us since we have A/C in our house so we've got a place to cool off at the end of the day.

Alki Beach

Juanita Beach

Furry 5k Run
 Lemonade (Apple Juice) Stand


Water balloon fight on trampoline

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Photographer, pilot...who knows

We often talk about what our kids might be when they grow up but we know it is way too early to know.  I think most of us never figure out what we want to be when we get older.

TJ gave Keaton an old camera and he has had lots of fun with it so maybe a photographer.  He is pretty good, although some pics are also crazy.

Maybe Nolan will be a pilot...although as of right now I think he might destroy plane and would be much more suited as a football player where he can tackle others and not get into trouble.


Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Funny kids

 It's always funny to watch Nolan do new things.  Well usually funny.  Not funny when he's flinging food across the room cause he doesn't like it.  Or when he's standing on a chair rocking back and forth. Or dragging large objects across the room.  He looks right at you when he does this stuff, laughs, and keeps doing it. So far he's pretty mischievous.  

Trying to figure out sunglasses.  Luckily he didn't poke himself in the eye while attempting this.

Keaton's been extra funny the past few weeks. I was doing something in the Kitchen, looked over and saw Keaton taping silverware to his head.  I have no idea why.  A few days ago I asked him to go get dressed and he came out with socks on his hands.  Underwear on his head.  A plastic flag tucked in the underwear.  A spiderman mask on his face.  And he was still wearing the pajama's he was suppose to take off.

 A few days ago I asked him to go get dressed and he came out with socks on his hands.  Underwear on his head.  A plastic flag tucked in the underwear.  A spiderman mask on his face.  And he was still wearing the pajama's he was suppose to take off. 

Monday, May 11, 2015


Keaton and I have been working hard on our backyard, clearing out bushes and weeds.  He has been a great helper!  It was kind of a dangerous job for him since he was up on the hill (there is a rock wall about 3 feet high that you have to climb up to get to to the hill).  There was a pretty good chance he would fall off so I just hoped it would be on the grassy part.  Instead I was the one who fell onto Keaton. I was in the yard waste bin smashing the branches down and fell out onto Keaton below.  His whole back got pretty scraped up and I felt really bad.  Thank goodness he is a boy so scrapes are "normal".

Here's a random cute picture of Nolan. We work outside while he is sleeping.  He always wakes up from his naps with a huge smile like this picture.

Take me out to the ball game

Keaton and Dad went to a Mariner's game a few weeks ago with Keaton's preschool.  I thought I'd have all afternoon with Nolan but they were home shortly after they left.  I think TJ said they made it through the second inning and thought it was boring.  I kinda think they are too!

Pigs, sheep, Cows, Bunnies, etc.

We went with Grandpa to Kelsey Creek farm in Bellevue where they have sheep, cows, bunnies, chickens, horses and pigs.  Nolan was SO excited, running all over talking and pointing like crazy. 
So we thought it would be fun to go to the zoo.  Keaton has been to the zoo a few times and his favorite animal is always the horse on the carousel. That was his favorite this time too!  The tractor is probably his second favorite thing to see.  Nolan didn't get really excited about the animals either.  It was still a really fun afternoon and a great place for the kids to run wild!

Friday, April 10, 2015


My favorite part of Easter this year was going to an Easter party with ONLY Nolan.  We went while Keaton was at preschool.  I barely ever do anything with just Nolan so it was special. We kept it a secret from big brother.

 It's become a tradition to go to the Easter egg hunt at the Thriftway grocery store down the street.  They hid 35,000 eggs this year. 

Surprises from the Easter bunny. 

 It was great to have daddy back on Easter day!  We did an Easter egg hunt with him!