Friday, July 29, 2011

All grown Up

I'm starting to realize I no longer have the newborn that everyone wants to see when you go to the store!  I think it really hit me when I was able to put him in his stroller without the car seat adapter and when I started feeding him with a spoon....he is so quickly becoming a little guy and no longer a baby!!  He even had a little scab (very very tiny) on his toe!!!

A few weeks ago we started Keaton on rice cereal. I was really hoping to wait until he was 6 months but the doctor thought it might help with his massive spit-up.  It didn't.  He really had no interest in rice cereal as you can see in these pictures...Manny really likes it though so he got the leftovers!

We have also tried oatmeal cereal and he seems to like that much better.  I'm thinking of trying banana's this weekend.  So much for waiting till 6 months!

He is also really enjoying his stroller rides where he gets to see the world instead of staring at his mom....I guess I am no longer his entire world!

Staring at mom:

Exploring the world:

So if Keaton is "all grown up" when am I going to feel like a mom all the time?  I'm starting to think it's similar to the feeling you get when you are an adult...still waiting for that feeling.  I have moments where I feel like a mom, like when I'm getting a stroller out of my car to go walk through the mall or when I was shopping at Target on a Tuesday morning (which I think you have to be a mom to go to target then because there is no one else there) and I was buying "little swimmers". 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Most Fun I've Ever Had

We've been pretty limited with what we can do with Keaton since he's only 4 months old...most adventures have consisted of him being in a stroller or our arms.  Today we went swimming and it was so much fun to be able to watch him participate! I really didn't think he would enjoy it since he's still not a big fan of baths but he was in the water for about an hour in this fabulous floatie my aunt got him. 

We plan on heading down to the Lincoln Park wading pool soon so Keaton can show off his swimming skills and floatie to all the kids there...if he doesn't chew a hole in it first :)