Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Big Truck

The truck obsession continues!  Keaton now says "big truck" instead of just "truck."  Anything with four wheels is a truck...and he has been known to wake up in the morning saying "truck" "truck" "truck" for no reason at all.
Daddy got a new red truck that Keaton just loves!  He loves to look out our bedroom window at it in the driveway.  And of course go for rides.  I'm not sure who likes it more...daddy or Keaton.
Twice this week we have seen fire trucks (at events, not at fires).  Keaton was brave enough to go in one of them.
The second fire truck sighting was when the firemen came to storytime at the library. 
Can you find Keaton? All the other kids are sitting next to their parents/caretaker except mine.  I'm still trying to figure out if it's OK to let your child wander in situations like this or if it's bad parenting?
 There he is!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Last Frontier

We just got back from a trip to Fairbanks, Alaska.  "The Last Frontier."

Keaton was FANTASTIC on the airplane there and back (unlike the last flight we took where he cried the entire way home)!  The best parenting advice I have received so far was to buy a portable DVD player.  Worth every penny!
We did lots of fun things on the trip but the best part was seeing the three cousins having fun:  Emerald (4 years), Keaton (19 months), Crystal (17 months).
We went to Emerald's school for lunch one day, a play place with a bunch of bouncy houses, visited Santa at the North Pole, swimming at Chena Hot Springs, a hockey festival at University of Alaska Fairbanks, daily rides on Becky & Jason's "truck" and of course McDonald's (almost every day since they all have indoor play areas).
Santa Visit:
University of Alaska Fairbanks:
(In the bottom picture Keaton is dancing all by himself in front of a room full of people to "I'm too sexy...")
Keaton loves trucks right now so Alaska was a great place for him since they have lots of "trucks"
Grandpa and his three grand kids acting goofy!
 I think Keaton is still catching up on sleep since he wore himself out, not wanting to miss out on anything.  There was lots of fun times but the highlight was probably when I got to lay on the floor of a McDonald's bathroom and crawl under the bathroom stall to unlock the door that Keaton locked himself in...aah the joys of parenting!