Sunday, August 28, 2016


Today Keaton's preschool (The Andover School) had a graduation party for the Pre-K class.  These kids will be going to Kindergarden in a few weeks.  We were all super excited to go and Keaton asked about it all day but when we got there he spent most of the party hiding behind me.  I think he was shy because he knew the kids but he hadn't seen them in months (since he stopped going to the school in June after we moved).  Each month the kids write a few sentences about something they've learned that month and then draw a picture.  Example: "My favorite thing to do in the Winter is.......". The teachers save these and put them into a book to give the parents at the end of the school year.  They are a great gift and it is very interesting to hear what they say.

He doesn't look too excited about graduating but did get an official looking certificate.

The teachers at the Andover School were fantastic!

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