Sunday, April 27, 2014

Back Yard Project

When we first moved into our house it had a really nice landscaped back yard with beautiful green grass in the back and front of the house.  Over the past few years we have realized our neighborhood is very wet and doesn't get good sunlight so the green grass is very mossy.  And the back hill has over grown.  So we brought in the person who's lawn looks like a putting green to help us out.  Brian!
The front grass is looking much better and Brian has done a great job of cleaning up the back hill.  We haven't got to the backyard grass yet since we are seeing if clearing out will give us more light so grass will grow properly.  If not then we will have to decide what to do...giant deck, pavers or my vote....fake grass.  I think Manny has enjoyed the cleared out hill more than anyone.  He spends all day out there now, barking at everyone that walks by.  I'm sure we are known as the house to avoid when going for walks.
Here are a few pictures.

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