Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Zoo Fun & Crystal Turns One

This is my third blog entry of the morning....Keaton is still a great sleeper at 14 months.  He is still a 2 times a day napper and each nap is usually 1 1/2 to 2 hours long.  And he has got in the habit of playing in his crib when he wakes up instead of crying so it gives me even a little extra time.  But when he's up, he's up!  The kid does everything at full speed and there is no taking your eyes off him.

I certainly couldn't take my eyes off him for even a minute at the zoo or he would have been in playing with the tigers or going off with some other family for the day. 

Crystal got to celebrate her 1st birthday at the zoo, pretty fun place to do it!  Crystal and Keaton were still too little to really enjoy the animals but Emerald was definitely into them.  Emerald even got to see how they can make paper out of Elephant poop....pretty interesting stuff!

They had lots of extra activities the day were were there like bouncy houses, music and trampolines.  The trampolines and music were Keaton's favorite part.  He even found a pretty cute dancing partner...his cousin!

Birthday cupcakes!

And Keaton's up from his to go!!!

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