I signed Nolan up for soccer since he hasn't done an activity like that before. Once Keaton found out he insisted I sign him up for soccer. I REALLY didn't want to because I didn't think he would like it and I'd have to force him to go. He's not big on contact sports. I was totally wrong!
Keaton is obsessed with soccer. I guess he plays it every day at recess with his friend Cash and they're team is called "the buggies". His really soccer team is called the "Skeeters" and he has a couple friends from school on the team. He loves to go to soccer practice and soccer games. I'm thrilled that he's having so much fun with this sport right now!
Nolan is also doing fantastic. Nolan's soccer is pretty low key but these kids are doing so well after two practices that I actually have high hopes he will know how to play soccer when he's done. The coach is fantastic and has the kids dribbling the ball, stopping the ball, and then dribbling the ball in the opposite direction. Nolan has got to be the goalie twice which makes him very happy. Last week the coach played "keep away" with the kids. They were suppose to keep the coach from getting their ball. Nolan was the only kid who thought the coach was trying to get him, not his ball. He totally abandoned his ball and was running around saying "you can't catch me" while all the other kids were dribbling.
I Want To Be Your Personal Penguin
11 years ago